
Workday Routine

Start of the day

The goal when I start at work is to have a planned and boxed out day of the 1-3 relevant things to do.

I started to go backwards in time to find out how I'd get to my end goal and ended up with this first draft, which I am currently trying out and iterating on.

The current routine is this

  1. Walk into office and greet the others
  2. Choose what desk to sit at (open-office/clean-desk-policy)
  3. Grab some water
  4. Take out my stuff
  5. Clean my desk
  6. Sit down and open my book (write about my note system?)
  7. Leftovers from the day before
  8. Check my weekly goals
  9. What goals/important task have I promised, or are from my personal Task Bucket (needs a write-up)
  10. What is blocked in my calender already
  11. Check Slack or other chat platforms
  12. My daily planner is blocked out
  13. Go to the first meeting or tackle the first task prepared

Things I want to add in

  • Where did I get my inspiration?
  • End of day.
  • Start and end of week.
  • 12 week year / weekly goals