
A log of what I have been making, reading and thinking about.

September 2024

The last few months I have felt a change in what problems I try to solve. Coming off of a binge of different books I have read lately, I have taken more interest in what ways of working the team excels in. What communication is missing, and why it has happened.

Tech, and coding is still what drives me however, but I get excited when I solve other work-related issues as well.

I have gotten a bigger interest in setting up the digital tools I need myself. Hoping to set up a proper backup solution, outside the old hard-drive chugging along in my desktop. Understanding how the things I run work, such as the pipeline's for this webpage (currently), as well as setting up the server for it, DNS, and such.

I just finished reading "How big things get done" by Bent Flyvberg, and just started on "Sooner Safer Happier" Jonathan Smart, Zsolt Berend, Myles Ogilvie, Simon Rohrer

I also redid my home office, so it's easier to keep tidy, and giving me a better time and place to focus in.